Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mod Macabre @ Cinebeats Oct. 1-31

This month I'm participating in the "Countdown to Halloween" blogathon over at my film blog Cinebeats with a little celebration I'm calling Mod Macabre. I thought I'd let Mid-Century Living readers know in case they're looking for some Halloween viewing suggestions or just want to enjoy some vintage Halloween inspired fun.

Hope to update here soon too but I was in a car accident a few weeks ago and it's kind of thrown a wrench into my blogging plans. In the meantime please feel free to stop by Cinebeats anytime and you can also find me on Twitter & Facebook.


  1. The art style is so Stylin'! Am sending your other blog into to someone who is crazy about vintage horror and campy movies.

  2. Thanks! Glad you like it and I hope your friend enjoyed their stop at
