Monday, April 4, 2011

Reupholstered Dux Sofa

Thought I'd finally share some photos of our refurbished & reupholstered vintage sofa. The sofa was originally made by Dux in the early '60s. Dux was a San Francisco based company started by Swedish designer Folke Ohlsson in the late 1950s and Dux furniture is usually referred to as Danish Modern or Scandinavian Modern.

The sofa (which I originally posted about here) was badly damaged and had a horrible odor due to mold and (possibly?) cat urine. We had it reupholstered with vintage Danish fabric similar in color & style to an original fabric that Dux used so it would remain true to the period. We love the color and we think it looks amazing now. It was reupholstered by the Danish furniture experts at Klassics and they did a terrific job. Very happy with the results and I'm glad that we could save this beautiful sofa.

New old sofa!

Vintage Sofa Upholstery

Reupholstered Dux Sofa
Room is currently influx and still being renovated. We plan to paint the wall another shade of blue that's more aqua. You can see samples in the photo below that we currently have on the wall while we try to pick paint colors. As you can see below, we're going bold and bright. After a lifetime of being surrounded by white walls I want lots of color in my life.
Dux Sofa & Paint Samples


  1. OMG! It looks AMAZING! :D
    You saved a beauty...great job, really.

    Thanks for sharing it.


  2. Looks awesome! I hope my house looks as completely cool as yours someday!

  3. Thanks for all the kind comments! I'm glad you all like it. We still have lots of work to do on our place before our house is a home but I thought it be fun to share some of the progress we've made.

  4. The sofa looks spectacular! Is that a Van Hoople painting behind it?

  5. Thanks so much! The framed art above the sofa is actually a vintage Brittini print from the '60s. It's a modern interpretation of the "Emerald City" from THE WIZARD OF OZ. My husband found it at a thrift shop for $20 and I absolutely love it.

  6. OMG the sofa is to die for. Love love love your color direction!

  7. Just came to your blog while hop scotching around from my usual favs and plan to make yours a regular stop! Love the style, the feel, the header and that sofa!

  8. Great blog and great sofa - love the green (just wish my business partner loved green as much as I do as we'd be doing more green ourselves)

  9. I live in SF and have a chair similar to your sofa that I picked up at Alameda that needs to be recovered. Would you mind sharing where you had yours done? Yours looks amazing - glad you chose fabric consistent with the piece...awesome!

    Thanks so much!

  10. Really lovely sofa.

    If you don't mind, would it be possible for you to post a picture of bottom of the sofa (springs beneath the sofa)?

    We recently bought one, but the springs seem to have jumped of beneath. An intact sofa would really help rebuilding it.

    Best regards, Peter

  11. Hi Peter. I'll try & snap a pic for you this weekend.

  12. Hi Kimberly,
    I just discovered the original Dux tag on my ottoman cushion that's been in storage, so that is how I found your very helpful website. I have four pieces of my mother's Scandinavian Modern furniture by the Dux company in San Francisco from the early 1950's. Thank you for posting the picture of the fabric that you replaced it with. I have been looking all over for similar fabric and have not been able to find much. Can you tell me where you found it? I have the original fabric on the furniture and the weave looks similar.

  13. Hi Yan An! In my post I mention 'Klassics' and that's who reupholstered our sofa. They're in Berkeley and I've written a bit about them on my blog. It's a great company but they've gone from working out of a warehouse to a more posh boutique so their prices may have gone up a bit have gone up a bit. Hope that helps!

  14. And Peter, apologies about the tag! I can't move the sofa on my own and need my husbands help but I just kept forgetting to ask hm to help me snap a photo. I can be kind of flaky like that. ^^;;

    Do you still need the picture?
