Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Halloween Costumes 1950-1969

Things are still incredibly slow going at the new homestead mainly due to our budget & time limitations. Right now it's all about getting a new roof put on before winter. It's been a long process trying to get estimates and figuring out what our best and most cost effective options are. But my office and work space is almost complete and once it's done and somewhat more organized I'll share some new photos.

In the meantime I thought I'd share some pictures of vintage Halloween costume patterns from the '50s and '60s. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I love looking at pictures of old costumes. I think these patterns were really wonderful but many of the designs haven't changed all that much so they'd be easy to reproduce today. I especially love the alien/space man outfits for little boys and the flower costumes for women.

Halloween Costumes (1950-1969)

Halloween Costumes (1950-1969)

Halloween Costumes (1950-1969)

Halloween Costumes (1950-1969)

Halloween Costumes (1950-1969)

Halloween Costumes (1950-1969)


  1. What I love about all those costumes is that the're all so innocent. My favorite costume ever was made by my grandma when I was in third grade. It was a majorette outfit with a tall white felt hat and all sorts of gold and red satiny trim. Hope the roofing job is not too painful. Leaky roofs are no fun.

  2. I love looking at old pictures of people dressed up in their Halloween costumes. I should have shared some of me but I'm still living out of boxes.

    And thanks for the words of the support regarding the roof! The project is taking MUCH longer than we had anticipated due to unexpected rain but hopefully it will get wrapped up this week after constant delays that are driving us up the wall!! We've also been dealing with getting our heating & cooling system serviced, vents cleaned, etc. I want it to all be over so we can get back to painting and other fun stuff.
