For the past few months I've been focused on moving and there are a lot of helpful sites that have been extremely useful during my search for a new home. Some of these sites will undoubtedly be familiar, but I thought I'd share a collection of links to sites that I visit on a regular basis because they might help someone else who is in the process of moving.

If you're moving to a new area you can find lots of helpful information at Sperling's Best Places. The site maintains a large database of facts about every town in America covering important topics such as health care, the economy, housing, crime rates and public transportation.
Sperling's Best Places -
My husband an I only own one car and we have no intention of buying another one so having easy access to public transportation and local businesses is important to us. Walk Score is a terrific site that lets you know what shops, public parks, libraries and other places of interest are nearby and easily walkable from your home.
Walk Score -
Crime Report offers detailed crime reports of any area. Just type in the location you're interested in and Crime Report will create a detailed map with notes about local crimes committed within a 3-30 day time period or more.
Crime Reports -
Family Watchdog is very similar to Crime Report but its focus is on violent sexual crimes. Once you type in your location Family Watchdog will create a map that lets you know the location of sexual offenders in your area so you can make smart and safe decisions to protect yourself and your family.
Family Watchdog -
Want to know where you can get a good sushi meal in town? Need to find someone to help you move? Yelp is the place to go! Yelp gives locals the opportunity to review shops, businesses, restaurants, etc. If you haven't tried using Yelp yet, what are you waiting for?
Yelp -
The Find Good Food site can help you find local, sustainable, and organic food in your area. If you're concerned about the environment, eating well and supporting local businesses I highly recommend giving the Find Good Food site a look.
Find Good Food -
Last bit not least, Floor Planner is a great site that lets you create a customizable floor plan of your house or apartment. You can use this helpful tool to plan out your room design and figure out if that new couch you just bought will fit into your new home. This valuable tool can save you a whole lot of time and money, and it's free to use!
Floor Planner -